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October 11, 2022

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a condition characterized by recurrent, unpleasant intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety or preventing some undesirable event. It currently afflicts between two to three million U.S. adults.


The condition is typically treated with some combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and a type of oral antidepressant called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. However, studies indicate that around half of OCD patients fail to respond adequately to the standard treatments. Moreover, many that respond to SSRIs discontinue due to undesirable side effects (e.g., weight gain, sexual dysfunction, emotional numbness, etc.). 


Because of this, researchers began to search for novel treatments. Many focused on finding new applications for a non-invasive procedure called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), initially approved by the FDA for treatment-resistant depression in 2008. In 2018, TMS became FDA-approved for OCD. 


Here are answers to common questions about this new intervention.  

What is TMS?

TMS is a drug-free and noninvasive procedure used to treat various brain disorders, including several mental health conditions. It uses magnetic coils placed just above the scalp to send magnetic pulses into specific regions of the brain associated with symptoms of the conditions it is being used to treat. For example, in the case of treatment-resistant depression, the pulses are sent toward regions of the brain associated with mood regulation.

By sending repeated pulses to these specific areas of the brain, TMS “trains” neurons in those areas to fire differently and create new, healthier connections.

How Does TMS for OCD Work?

TMS for OCD works in much the same way as TMS for treat-resistant depression, except for two key differences. First, the magnetic pulses are directed at deeper structures in the brain, which are more closely associated with OCD. For example, one of the primary targets is the right orbitofrontal cortex, which studies have found is hyperactive in adults with OCD. It is also thought to be partially responsible for the unending urge to repeat compulsive behaviors that individuals with OCD experience. Other targeted areas include the supplementary motor cortex, medial prefrontal cortex, and anterior cingulate cortex.


Unlike treatment-resistant depression, which is associated with underactive neurons in parts of the brain related to mood regulation, OCD is connected with brain regions firing too much. As a result, in addition to targeting different areas of the brain, technicians utilize another type of stimulation called low wave stimulation, which inhibits, rather than activates, regional brain activity.  


What are the Advantages of TMS for OCD

TMS has several advantages compared to the first-line oral medications used to treat OCD. 


One of the problems with oral medications is that they are often imprecise, spreading throughout the brain and targeting many more areas than are directly implicated in the conditions they are meant to treat. This causes many unwanted side effects, such as weight gain, sexual dysfunction, emotional numbing, and more. TMS can deliver incredibly localized treatments, targeting the very source of the symptoms and avoiding unwanted side effects. 


Aside from lacking precision, first-line oral medications often must be taken continuously to cause and maintain their therapeutic effects. After a round of TMS treatments, the benefits can last for a substantial period of time. On average, results last between four to fourteen weeks and can easily be sustained with quick maintenance sessions.  

How Heading Does TMS for OCD Differently

In many cases, TMS is offered as a standalone treatment. While it can be very effective on its own, studies have found its effects can be amplified when combined with other interventions. For example, one experiment found that patients who underwent TMS and CBT experienced nearly a 60 percent drop in their OCD symptoms and that for 80 percent of the subjects, their symptoms decreased by at least 40 percent. 


At Heading, patients have access to our integrated team of mental health specialists with wide-ranging expertise to complement their TMS and enhance its therapeutic effects. By combing TMS with other therapies, our patients benefit from the synergistic effects of a holistic approach to mental health.


Talk with your doctor to determine whether this treatment is right for you or schedule an appointment with one of our psychiatrists or therapists to advise you on this or any other potential treatments, including ketamine, Spravato, and TMS. Call us at 805-204-2502 or request an appointment here

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The Problem of Delayed Treatment for Mental Health Conditions

The Problem of Delayed Treatment for Mental Health Conditions

October 9, 2022

From recognizing one needs treatment to finding an in-network provider to scheduling an appointment, getting help for one’s mental health can be a time-consuming and disheartening process. One study found that since 2000, individuals with schizophrenia, mood, and anxiety disorders have taken nearly 32 months on average to receive their first treatment. 

Aside from the immediate harm of suffering from the symptoms of a mental illness, a delay in treatment is associated with a range of negative outcomes, highlighting the importance of prompt access to rapidly effective interventions. 


Here are some key findings: 

Rates of Treatment Response and Remission

When examining the impact of the duration of untreated illness (DUI) on mental health outcomes, much research has focused on rates of response (i.e., at least a 50 percent reduction in symptoms) and remission (i.e., a full recovery). A meta-analysis, which compiled data from several studies on the topic found some striking results. In particular, they found that:


  • Patients with a DUI shorter than eight weeks after their first episode of depression have a 70 percent greater probability of achieving a response
  • Patients with a DUI shorter than eight weeks after their first episode of depression have a 65 percent greater probability of achieving remission


Response to Antidepressants

Researchers looked specifically at the response to antidepressants and found similar results. For example, studies have found that:


  • Patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder who did not receive treatment within the first 24 months were 28 percent less likely to respond to SSRIs (selective-serotonin-reuptake inhibitors)
  • Subjects with major depressive disorder who did not receive a first-line antidepressant until  six months or more after their depression started were 13 percent less likely to experience remission
  • Longer DUI was associated with a lower response to antipsychotics and a higher rate of relapse in individuals with schizophrenia



Mental illness can bring about feelings of hopelessness and despair which can cause patients to think about or attempt to commit suicide. Several studies have found that a longer DUI is associated with more suicidal thoughts and attempts for a range of conditions. For example, studies have found that:


  • Bipolar patients with a longer DUI showed a higher number of suicide attempts during a five-year follow-up
  • In patients with schizophrenia, suicidal plans or attempts were significantly higher in subjects from communities without an early detection program relative to those from early detection communities
  • Depressed patients with a longer DUI also showed an increase in the number of hospitalizations and suicide attempts


Cognitive Performance

Deficits in cognitive performance (e.g., in tasks involving memory, attention, verbal abilities, etc.) have become one of the core features of mood disorders and are significantly associated with DUI. A 2020 study found that:


  • Over half of the subjects diagnosed with major depressive or bipolar disorder showed mild cognitive impairment.
  • Those with major depressive disorder who showed cognitive impairment had a six month longer DUI on average
  • Remission was associated with improvements in memory, executive function, and attention, but not in visuospatial abilities or verbal fluency


Physiological Changes in the Brain

Researchers have found that as mental health conditions go untreated, they can produce a range of physiological changes in the brain. For example, one meta-analysis found that:


  • Long durations of untreated illness are associated with brain changes in individuals who have schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder 
  • In schizophrenia, significant changes can occur within the first year
  • Some brain changes may be associated with poor treatment response


Associations with other Chronic Conditions

Mental illness is associated with various other chronic health conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes. Again, a longer DUI is associated with worse outcomes regarding many of these conditions. A 2022 study found that:


  • Subjects with depressive and bipolar disorders with DUIs longer than one and two years, respectively, were nearly 30 percent more likely to have physical comorbidities
  • Longer DUIs were significantly associated with higher BMIs, which can cause or exacerbate other physical conditions

These findings highlight two general takeaways. First, there is an obvious need to shorten the time it takes for patients to receive treatment. Given the wide range of adverse outcomes that become more prevalent as DUI increases across several mental health conditions, individuals dealing with mental illness must receive treatment as soon as possible. 


Second, there is a need for novel treatments. Even when patients can see a physician, first-line treatments can take several weeks to months to work. For a sizable subset of these individuals, these solutions may not be effective, even when their illness is recent. Additionally, longer DUIs are associated with physiological changes in the brain, which may be why standard treatments tend to be less effective over time. As a result, solutions working in different ways targeting different parts of the brain, like ketamine, TMS, or other emerging interventions, may prove critical for treating individuals who do not respond to first-line treatments.


At Heading Health, we utilize a multi-pronged approach to combat these issues. First, we offer an integrated team of specialists who work together to provide prompt care tailored to each patient’s individual needs. In most cases, we can see patients within 24-48 hours. To support this approach, we use cutting-edge treatments with rapid and sustained responses, meaning patients get in and get better quickly.


Talk with your doctor to determine whether these treatments are right for you, or schedule an appointment with one of our psychiatrists or therapists to advise you on any other potential treatments for depression, including ketamine, Spravato, and TMS. Call us at 805-204-2502 or request an appointment here.

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Interview with an Expert: Should Ketamine Be Combined with Psychotherapy?

Interview with an Expert: Should Ketamine Be Combined with Psychotherapy?

October 7, 2022

With evidence mounting in support of ketamine’s therapeutic effect on depression and other mental health conditions, clinics and physicians are increasingly prescribing it as a standalone solution. While ketamine has clear benefits on its own, experts are beginning to explore the role psychotherapy plays in enhancing or extending its effects.


In a recent edition of The Peter Attia Drive, Professor of Psychopharmacology and leading ketamine scholar Celia Morgan addresses this topic, among several others related to ketamine’s use in treating depression and other mental health conditions. 


Her take? Psychotherapy is critical to obtaining a lasting effect from ketamine. Here’s why.


Ketamine Increases Neural Plasticity

One of the key reasons Professor Morgan believes ketamine is most effective when combined with psychotherapy is its mechanism of action (i.e., how it changes the brain to produce its therapeutic effects).


When ketamine enters the brain, it attaches to N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, causing a release of glutamate (a chemical messenger in the brain) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). The result is that neurons (tiny cells in the brain that send and receive information from each other) have an increased ability to grow, reorganize, and rewire themselves in response to new experiences, a phenomenon known as neural plasticity.


Among other things, neural plasticity enables us to learn and acquire new habits, including our cognitive and emotional tendencies. Professor Morgan argues that because many psychological therapies target these mental habits, they may be more effective when used after ketamine treatments. She states:


We know that what we’re asking people to do in psychological therapy is to think differently about things and learn new ways of thinking about old problems. [Neural plasticity] seems to me like an intuitively appealing mechanism.


Professor Morgan goes on to suggest that not only might therapy be beneficial but that its precise timing after a ketamine treatment may be especially critical, stating:


I think the idea you know for me as a psychologist is that you could time your psychological therapy when your brain is most plastic. […] We know from animal studies this might be starting four hours following the ketamine days peaking about 24 hours.


Ultimately, more research needs to be done to determine when ketamine causes the greatest increase in neural plasticity in humans. Professor Morgan notes that:


We want to be doing some work at the moment to sort of chart the time course of that in humans by looking at EEGs […] and trying to target the window of this synaptic plasticity


Experimental Participants Receiving Therapy Maintain Therapeutic Benefits for Longer

Ketamine’s impact on neural plasticity suggests that ketamine should enhance the effects of psychotherapy in theory, but how does this pan out in practice?


In a recent study on the effectiveness of ketamine in the treatment of alcohol use disorder, Professor Morgan compared the effects of ketamine used on its own and when combined with psychotherapy. They found the greatest reductions in drinking and abstinence in the group that received ketamine alongside psychological therapy. 


What’s particularly shocking is that 86 percent of the ketamine therapy subjects remained abstinent for six months after three ketamine infusions. Given the small number of treatments, the six-month benefit patients experienced further suggests therapy had a positive impact. As professor Morgan highlights, studies show the antidepressant effects of a single IV ketamine infusion typically last from three days to a week, though repeated administrations can extend this effect.



While more research is needed to confirm and clarify therapy’s role in enhancing and extending the effects of ketamine on depression and other mental health conditions, these early results suggest the two therapeutic solutions work synergistically to deliver an optimal outcome.


Talk with your doctor to determine whether this treatment is right for you or schedule an appointment with one of our psychiatrists or therapists to advise you on this or any other potential treatments for depression, including ketamine, Spravato, and TMS. Call us at 805-204-2502 or request an appointment here.

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