We Accept Insurance!

Change starts
in a single

Change starts
in a single


treatments to clear

the path towards 

mental health.


Innovative treatments to 

clear the path towards mental health.

Referring a Patient? Click here

Rediscover the real you

Getting care can feel daunting, especially if you’ve been disappointed by past efforts. That’s why Heading expands access to effective new treatments like Sublingual Ketamine and Spravato®. We accept insurance and handle the paperwork, so you can focus on healing.

Mental Health Services

No matter where you are in your journey, our care team will guide you through a personalized treatment plan, including medication and innovative therapies as needed.




Telepsychiatry and



Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

Covered by insurance

Mental healthcare should be accessible and affordable. We accept a wide range of insurance plans and will verify your coverage so getting care is easy.

Not on this list? Tell us and we’ll reach out to your plan.

Take the first step

Want to find out if Heading is right for you?

Complete our consultation form and an intake specialist will reach out. You can also schedule a call from us when it’s best for you.


Schedule your consultation